Nicely done.
I think it was a nice choice to lead with a game footage and then lead into it being more personal with your own style.
I also thing you timing with the music was on point.
thank you for making this.
Nicely done.
I think it was a nice choice to lead with a game footage and then lead into it being more personal with your own style.
I also thing you timing with the music was on point.
thank you for making this.
Hell ya Clyde!
I enjoyed your Pac-man reeditions a lot, and I think you really managed to provide an amazing amount of flair an nuance in your design of a well worn set of characters and their setting.
Also you are really good a conveying emotion efficiently especially how you p[aired it with sound effects and the pace and rhythms of the beeps and bops.
Thank you for making this.
Why thank you! I am glad you enjoyed : D
That's pretty fantastic honestly.
It's a fun augmentation of a great music video.
I suppose it would be possible to use this formula to make an variation of Beat it.
(oh some one did
Anyways great VA work and nice rigging on the facial expressions.
Thank you for making this.
Hell yah be proud of it!
It reminds me of early newgrounds in a way that is quite a fondness for me.
Also it's clear your put thought and effort in and sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good, and this is good.
Thank you for making this.
Oh my fucking god.... Thank you so fucking much....
Hmmmm, now I feel sad.
On a technical point is it easier to do this as a video or as a gif?
I would presume gif, but maybe I have a misread about your methods/available tools/artistic motives.
I suppose I will part ways telling you that rhino hors are similar in composition to hair, and wish you well.
Thank you for making this.
"The chance of Life is a hard won battle for which we never fought,
but if we don't know to keep it will only be for naught."
I really liked this, and the striking way that it is bittersweet.
I think you knew what you wanted to make, and put your love and truth into it.
I am happy to see it.
Thank you for making this.
Wow, incredibly well worded. Yeah we had this clear message that we wanted to tell and we're glad people understood what we tried to convey! Thank u ♡
"Sanrio's rendition of The Mandalorian was surprisingly satisfying."
It's interesting watching the shifts if color pallet you used in this.
Initially warm yellow and oranges but still subdued reflected by clear melody and notes.
IT transitioned into a lurking and oppressive purplish blue with stark red contrast with a ubiquitous rumble.
Than bright and exposed and alarming bursts of brass.
But ending quite nicely with warm greens and browns and wistful cloying winds pulling to the future.
I think you did this all quite well, even with little things like transitioning the eyes from abstract to expressive as the figure approached.
Thank you for making this.
The simpsons intro has a Kareoke version, which only contains "the simpsons" once at the very beginning.
This was chaotically beautiful, and I did have a similar "attempt not to laugh, then laugh to hard to make noise" reaction.
It's ultimately a very simple piece, put in a "sharp knife cuts, dull knife don't" form of effective efficiency.
Thank you for making this.
Thank you kindly for such a nice siesta.
It's a nice warm picture you paint, and I think I would enjoy a point and click adventure in that town of warm yellows.
Thank you for making this.
Hi, I am a person who loves art, and self-expression. Feel free to message me, especially to anyone seeking feedback, critique, or QA. If I have the time and interest, I will happily deposit my 2 cents.
This and That
Joined on 6/21/05