"This is all I get?"
"It was more than many"
- a paraphrased exchange with Death from Sandman (Neil Gaiman.)
The parade reminds me a little of My Neighbor Totoro, and the parade of spirts in the opening credits, but also of the mysterious tree spirits from Princess Mononoke.
I think both films worked well with the natural eventuality of life, and l like how stark and lonely you made this moment in your piece.
Also strong choice to drain the reds from everything in the pallet except for the blood flowing from the foreground, and the soft purple of the marching band.
Also there is an implied motion of that you made that I think is quite subtle of the light in the fore ground (right) to the darkness obscured in the far ground (left) with the iv and figure in the bed and the troop being the lead from one to another.
Thank you for making this.