So, I must admit I am of two minds on this drawing.
I like it alot, and the chareterization is very strong.
Like the pose, the hair color and cut, and even the facial expersion is all very dynamic and sassy.
Also the gemstones and ecletic armors really remind me in a fond way of CLAMP's MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH.
My trepidation comes from the "absolute territory" or the very odd name for the space of exposed thigh between leggings and bottoms.
She seems like a sassy enough character to enjoy falunting in that way, but in a pratical magic user/armor sense, there is 0% reason to ever have exposed skin, unless it's part of a ritual practice.
Fantasy art across the world since the 60's certain has a history of use "sex sells" and "Chainmail bikini's" and a person exposing their body in way they are comfortable with is totally cool form of self expression, but in terms of partical use, this ain't Magical-OSHA safe.
You did a great job, and I admit to fighting my own ghosts on this issue, but I try to almost see the worst result so that I might be able to prevent it, I guess you have made a compelling effectively enough that I am worried about them getting hurt.
Sorry for blathering on like that, and, really, thank you for making this.