Nice redesign.
The monochromatic corruption with the flare of color in the face is really solid.
It's a very compelling stylization.
Thank you for making this.
Nice redesign.
The monochromatic corruption with the flare of color in the face is really solid.
It's a very compelling stylization.
Thank you for making this.
It's certainly a very bold framing of an individual, standing as such on that rampart.
I feel the use of contrasting detail, focused foreground & less distinct distant detail, gives a great sense of scale, while also not overly taxing your efforts as an artist.
It's certainly a clever choice, in a smartly composed piece.
Honestly I also adore you shadow work, especially the way it's cast on the banner, which it's self is detailed in it's thread and pattern.
This actually reminds me of the style and detail of the Vampire faction from the "Magic the Gathering" set "Ixalan."
Thank you for making this.
Thank you for your kind words! Although you’ll have to thank me mullins for the composition ;)
So earnest!.
The of the things I like about MHA is the fact all the characters are quite earnest in their own way.
They all have quite personal motivations, and commitments int their hearts, and I feel you captured that spirit nicely in this image.
It certainly a skillful group shot, and I like how you made UA's entrance the central focus, as it is quite literally the point there fates overlapped.
It would be fun to see a costumed variation of this, but I understand that a lot of effort, and this is an older piece you might not feel motivated to revisit.
Thank you for making this.
This tragically adorable.
I really like the way managed to stick with three color tones in this piece.
Black and white are a stiff contrast, but you added amazing accents with the flare of red here and there.
Also the liquid work in the tears and drool is visually viscous in a masterfully unsettling way.
I am honestly a little back and forth on the "really sad" mood bubble, but I actually think it compliments rather than overrides the tone.
On a personal note, I feel like Doopliss would hang out with Mimikyu in their spare time.
Thank you for making this.
He's sad cos' Paper Mario is dead!
I really love the energy you captured here.
It's very intentionally nonsense, and I really enjoy that.
The robe/dress is also just excellent it's folds and creases, and gives a great sense of motion, or at lest potential energy in the still image.
The sun rays are a great balancing and focus tool as well.
Thank you for making this.
Aw thanks!! %'3
Hell yah!
Honestly this kinda reminds me of the Robot Master Level Select screens from mega man.
Keep on doing what you do, because your monstrosities certainly make my day brighter.
Thank you for making this.
hey great! appreciate it! thanks for the high score.
This is just about the perfect balance of disturbing and cute.
It's almost like a Grimace, from the McDonald Cannon, but more in the style of 123 Murder Me Street.
The tippy toe style of walking also has me deeply amused.
I am just getting started on my first play-through of LISA, but now I am looking forward to finding this weirdo in the wild.
Thank you for making this.
I feel like these would build up static really easily on carpet.
In all seriousness this is pretty legit fashion wise, and makes me think of theme outfit, where the shoes are Pichu themed, and the stockings/skirt are Pikachu, and the the top/ hair bad is Raichu, so you could see the full evolution from bottom to top in an outfit.
Also the light blur background really makes the shoe pop, especially with the subtle shading.
Thank you for making this.
And thank you for taking your time to comment! :>
But, man did I just go on a journey.
I thought that a Lobster based holy weapon, in the hands of a seer, might have some interesting properties if lobsters could see in a different wave length then us (Ultra violet, infra red, ect.)
Turn our their entire optical system is fundamentally different then many other forms of life because they work of of reflection, not refraction, and the almost have a weird X-ray vision thing.
I really like this character, and I enjoy that his feeler antenna are opposite his heavy hand and perhaps injured eye stalk, giving the character and nice visual.
Also the mandibles look like a hand, which is delightfully horrifying.
Thank you for making this.
P.S. This article is wild
holy crap that is crazy!
I might incorporate something like that into his character. It's really cool, thanks for the lengthy comment and link! Really glad you like the character.
It's like a self satisfied souffle that feel during baking, and I love it.
It would also make and awesome bean bag chair.
You have rendered such and oddly wonderful lump of green and flesh, I have not choice but to enjoy it.
Thank you for making this.
Hi, I am a person who loves art, and self-expression. Feel free to message me, especially to anyone seeking feedback, critique, or QA. If I have the time and interest, I will happily deposit my 2 cents.
This and That
Joined on 6/21/05