"Why not you?"
One of my favorite tangents in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series is about a man who is, unbeknownst to him a rain god.
Being a rain god, the clouds always gather for him, and they always rain, but not out of malice, but to show their deep rooted affection for him, but for him it is a constant annoyance.
This is not a platitude about a silver lining, just a thought on perspective on my behalf.
On the piece it's self wonder mixing of blue and purples, and using the the teal to contrast the work is honestly quite clever.
I love the markings, especially how they are iterated in the hair pieces, and the spiritual flora blooming around the figure.
Also the pool like casting of light from bellow, counter pointed by the moon above gives a nice framing and depth.
Thank you for making this.