Hey Thoof, nice work!
I had seen the post on itch.io and was gonna leave my comments there, but it is always nice to see you on NGs.
I think you did some really interesting things in such a limited pallete, or compacted design space.
It reminded me of my days dragging around the huge grey brick that was my og game boy in a way that filled me with alot of fondness.
I thought it was pretty clever how you used the cannon as not only as the players main form of defense and offensive action, but also as limiting factor by making it unwieldy.
It reminded me slightly of bio shock infinite's take on an escort mission game, where the escort is also a huge asset.
Also back to comparison to game boy, the limited frame made every thing a lot more tense as manipulating the unwieldy cannon was hard enough with out a fog of war limited perception aspect.
It might be pushing too far of a comparison, but as you probably know silent hill's famous smog was a solution to the limited render distance of the hardware, so it makes sense that for a lowrez game you limited player perception to make things more tense.
also your pixel art has been coming along nicely, i highly recommend checking out this great game called Crawl by for references for dramatic pixelated gore.
I liked your choice to have the proximity arrows, especially for the cannon as it allowed moments of panicked running to be non fatal due to lost cannon.
I did have the cannon get semi stuck once of twice, but taking the gunning position was a simple way to get the angles to work.
The problem being you can only gunner position with something other than your self in the cannon so I had to kite a zombie from the east to west at one point to unlodge my cannon.
I appreciate the progression of challenge with the difference in enemy types, and it was clever to use a stationary beater enemy to make a swarm scenario on the east side harder to handle, and kept the following zombie types more dynamic for a bit.
I also like the little touches like the swaying trees, and pink shells, but I do wish I could load more thing in the cannon, like if I shot my self into a coconut tree and it dropped coconuts which stunned the enemies or if the various crates had random different effects if loaded like slowing the foes with ropes, exploding from black powder (friendly fire possible), or just created a dust cloud the enemy would walk around/ not aggro through.
In any case I had a great time playing your game as always.
Thank you for making this.